Christoph Rameshan
Archmage & Money Conjurer
Christoph studied chemistry at the University of Innsbruck. After an IAESTE Internship at the National Institute of Material Science (NIMS) in Japan, he conducted his PhD at the Inorganic Chemistry Department of the Fritz-Haber-Institute in Berlin and the University of Innsbruck (within the framework of a joint project on methanol steam reforming on bimetallic catalysts). For his PostDoc, he went to the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, financed by an Erwin-Schrödinger Fellowship. In Berkeley, he worked at the Advanced Light Source with Dr. Hendrik Bluhm.
After his return to Austria, Christoph went to TU Wien to work at the Institute of Materials Chemistry. There he set-up an independent research group with focus on the development of tailored catalyst materials for efficient conversion of CO2 and activation of H2O. This included the development of in-situ (operando) spectroscopic equipment and regular measurements at synchrotron facilities. Within the framework of an ERC Starting Grant he expanded his research to the field of electrocatalysis. His teaching at TU Wien was focused on physical chemistry and advanced in-situ (operando) spectroscopy. For his innovative lectures, he received various teaching awards (two-times winner of TU Best Teaching Awards, multiple Pro Didactica Awards).
In 2022, he was appointed Professor for Electrochemical Energy Conversion at the Montanuniversität Leoben where he is now also head of the Chair of Physical Chemistry. In Leoben, he is expanding his team further and strengthening his research on the topics of CO2 utilization, H2 generation and development of tailored catalyst materials for energy applications. In addition to the new teaching challenges at MUL, he particularly enjoys supervising of master and PhD students as well as creating a dynamic and motivated research team.
He spends his free time with his family, mainly in the mountains (hiking, skiing, sledging…). Occasionally, he still finds some time to roam through the universe of EVE Online making wormholes unsafe.