We, the researches of AG Rameshan, are interested in catalytic processes on heterogeneous catalyst surfaces.

The ERC project TUCAS started in 2017 and was initially part of our research group „Electrocatalysis at Surfaces“ at the Institute of Materials Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology. In October 2022, we moved to Leoben, where we are now a part of the Chair for Physical Chemistry at the Montanuniversity Leoben. Specifically, TUCAS deals with perovskite materials, their surfaces, and ways to influence their properties (like stability and activity) by various measures: doping, pre-treatment (in different atmospheres), polarisation, exsolution of nanoparticles…

These perovskite materials are especially interesting, as they show great potential in processes relating to renewable energy production and chemical energy storage.

In 2022, TUCAS+CO2 was approved by the ERC (as Proof of Concept Grant). This extension of our fundamental research project TUCAS aims to extend the results towards industrial applications.

We use a wide range of lab-based and Synchrotron based techniques (in-situ spectroscopies) as well as theoretical simulations to study and characterise the properties of our samples.

July 2024

Elina, Isabella, and Zeynep join the group as interns to work on their HTL diploma thesis.
David started his second internship with us to do the practical work for his “vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit.”

25 students of the HTL Kramsach visit the group for four days.

May 2024

Maximilian joined the group as newest bachelor student. He will support Tobi with testing the flame-spray pyrolysis.

Harald successfully defended his doctoral thesis and completed his doctorate. Congratulations!!!

Tobias‘ first paper was accepted in Catalysis Today.

TUCAS Fact of the ... 404—Time range not found

Here, we will regularly present funny and/or interesting facts – on occasion maybe even a dad-joke-y quote (not to name names but probably by Florenz).

TUCAS Fact #33:
To commemorate the currently ongoing UEFA Euro 2024 (in which Austria is performing surprisingly well), this new TUCAS Fact concerns “non-American football”:
Despite the fact that football was “invented” in 1848 (then, the first set of rules—the “Camebridge Rules”—was written down), the rule that playing fields have to be free from trees and shrubbery was only implemented in 1896.

TUCAS is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement no. 755744.

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