TUneable CAtalyst Surfaces for heterogeneous catalysis
Florian Schrenk
MDR Monk & Reactor Raider
Florian did his secondary education in food technology and meat processing in Hollabrunn. After a year of civil duty, he joined TU Wien to study technical chemistry in the bachelor program where he wrote his bachelor thesis at the Atominstitut in Vienna. For the master program he specialized in analytical and physical chemistry and began working at TUCAS as student assistant before starting his master thesis in August of 2020. In his thesis, he focused on methane dry reforming catalysis with perovskites. With the end of 2020, also the end of Florians diploma thesis came, and so he joined the PhD squad at the beginnning of 2021 for further exploration of the uses of perovskites in green energy.
To clear his head, he does CrossFit and likes to boulder and hike in the Austrian alps as well as playing tennis. He also plays Dungeon and Dragons with his friends.