Raffael Rameshan

XPS Warlock & Radiation Ranger

Raffael studied Physics at the University of Innsbruck. After spending a long time in dark labs for his master thesis in Quantum-Optics, he changed to Physical Chemistry. There, long nights in dark labs were minimized to synchrotron beam-times at the Fritz-Haber Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (FHI Berlin – thanks for the funding!) or at the European Radiation and Synchrotron Facility (ERSF) in Grenoble. During this time, hiking, skiing, and good food was a great motivation to visit conferences.

The knowledge gained in Innsbruck and during measurement-times at other facilities was used at the TU Wien to help with magnetic field compensation, laser coupling, or the design of the sample stage for a Near Ambient Pressure XPS setup.

Now at the Montan University Leoben (MUL), his tasks include organisation of student lab courses, being radiation safety officer, organizing (electronic) infrastructure for the department (Electronic Lab Book, Server) and ordering equipment. Still, his co-workers fear his “sphere of destruction”, as Raffael tends to stress test each component before starting scientific measurements.

While in Leoben, he enjoys local recreation outside in nature going cycling, running, hiking, or random visits in fitness rooms during cold days.

At night, he either likes to stomp around in huge mechs or to play the wizard in assorted RPGs.